The Prague Conservatory
18th international competition show of piano competitions‘ laureates
from the age of 12 to 18
Saturday, November 16, 2024 from 10:00 am
Concert Hall of the Prague Conservatory, Na Rejdišti 1, Prague 1
Conditions of participation:
the age of 12 – 18 /born between 2006–2012/, a previous significant place at some of meaningful national or international piano competitions, supported by the copy of a diploma or, in exceptional cases, by the recommendation of a principal of home music school or conservatoire that would guarantee the high level of their student’s performance or /in case the participant does not attend any music school/ by the recommendation of at least two consequential music personages or pedagogues who are acquainted with the participant.
Contest Program:
free representative program of duration of 15 – 20 minutes /limit must be kept/.
Performances of participants will be judged by the expert jury, consisting from outstanding artistic and pedagogical characters.
Prizes and awards:
all performers will receive a Diploma of Participation at the Young Piano at the end of the exhibition.
The best participants, chosen by the jury, will be awarded the title “The Laureate of The Young Piano of the Prague Conservatory 2024” /no order given/ with the right and the duty to perform at the concert of laureates April 5, 2025 at 6:30 pm in the Concert Hall of the Prague Conservatory. The videorecording of this concert will be placed on a public Internet medium.
The Main Prize: “Talent of The Young Piano 2024” /10 000 CZK/ is donated by the association Jednota pro zvelebení hudby v Čechách, other valuable gifts /money vouchers for buying of music sheets/ are prepared for 5 chosen laureates. Participants will also get interesting small gifts from the publishing firm Musica Gioia.
A part of appreciation of laureates of YPPC 2024 is a possibility of an active participation in International Summer Piano Courses of the Prague Conservatory 2025 /2 – 12 July 2025/ gratis.
The application email, please, till October 25, 2024 to:
The application must include:
the name and the date of birth of the participant, the contact home address together with e-mail address and a phone number, the name of the music school the participant attends, the teacher’s name, the list of contests and artistic achievements, stating the year in which they were achieved. Please, enclose copies of contest diplomas /one diploma from the most important competition would suffice/, eventually – in such cases where the participant neither has been awarded in any competition nor is currently enrolled in any music school – the recommendation and guarantee of home music school or at least two outstanding music personages or pedagogues. The important part of the application is a detailed program of performance, stating its exact time length.
Every participant will receive an e-mail’s /or by post sent/ confirmation of his/her application and approx. till November 8, 2024 the exact time of his/her performance at the exhibition. Organizers request the right to reduce the number of performers in case the number of applicants markedly exceeds the time limit capacity. In such case, the preference will be given to such candidates who were better placed at the more significant competitions or to those who submitted their application on an earlier date.
Notice: in a case you will not receive our confirmation about your registration let us immediately know. It may be an undelivered mail or another fault.
Concert Hall of Prague Conservatory
Accommodation in Prague:
every participant manages by himself.
Further information concerning The Young Piano of the Prague Conservatory 2024, including its program /which will be known approximately from November 8, 2024/ you will find on these websites later.
Changes reserved.